Get started with the Async API

The Async API is a REST interface for submitting recorded or saved conversations in video, audio, and text formats. This guide gets you started with basic code samples you can use to process your conversations.

When you process a conversation in a supported format using the Async API, you can also get initial conversation intelligence. The Async API also provides a conversation ID for the conversation that you use to generate conversation intelligence.

For information about processing real-time conversations, such as virtual meetings or VoIP phone calls, see Streaming API and Telephony API.

Supported formats supports the following formats as conversation sources. This guide provides examples of requests for each method of submitting conversations.

  • .mp3, .wav/wave files (API Reference)
  • Direct URLs not shortened by a service or platform such as Bitly or Spotify (API Reference)
TextText formatted as a collection of messages. (API Reference)

Conversation intelligence features

The Async API provides a number of conversation intelligence features that can be invoked when processing your conversations. For more details about the conversation intelligence features that are available with the Async API, see the Async Feature Reference.

Process a conversation with the Async API

The following pages provide basic examples of how to submit and append to your conversations using the Async API.

To learn more about implementing conversation intelligence features when you process a conversation, see Async Feature Reference.

Check job status

When you submit an async API request, you receive a job ID. Pass the job ID in a Get job status request as described in Job status.


For the languages supported by the Async API, see Supported Languages.

Code samples

For more detailed code samples, see the Async Tutorials.