Processing data from audio file
You can process audio from an audio file using the attachAudioSourceElement
method on the AudioStream.
All audio requests in the browser must be made by user-interaction so we included a basic HTML application to help get this running.
Your Symbl API Credentials, that is, your App ID and App Secret are required for authentication. Learn how to get them in the Authentication section.
Import Web SDK
View the Importing section for the various ways to import the Web SDK.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Symbl Web SDK example</title>
<script src=""></script>
const { Symbl, LINEAR16AudioStream } = window;
const start = async () => {
try {
// We recommend to remove appId and appSecret authentication for production applications.
// See authentication section for more details
const symbl = new Symbl({
appId: '<your App ID>',
appSecret: '<your App Secret>',
// accessToken: '<your Access Toknen>'
// Create your audio element
const myAudioElement = new Audio();
myAudioElement.type = "audio/mp3";
myAudioElement.src = "";
// Attach audio element to AudioStream
const audioStream = new LINEAR16AudioStream();
await audioStream.attachAudioSourceElement(myAudioElement);
// Create connection and start processing audio
const connection = await symbl.createConnection("abc123" + btoa(Math.random(0)), audioStream);
await connection.startProcessing();
// Play the element once audio is ready to be processed.
connection.on("processing_started", () => {;
// Retrieve real-time transcription from the conversation
connection.on("speech_recognition", (speechData) => {
const { punctuated } = speechData;
const name = speechData.user ? : "User";
console.log(`${name}: `, punctuated.transcript);
// This is just a helper method meant for testing purposes.
// Waits 60 seconds before continuing to the next API call.
await Symbl.wait(60000);
// Stops processing audio, but keeps the WebSocket connection open.
await connection.stopProcessing();
// Closes the WebSocket connection.
} catch(e) {
// Handle errors here.
<button onclick="javascript: start()">Start Processing Audio Element</button>
Updated 11 months ago