Response Codes uses HTTP response status codes to indicate the success or failure of API calls. If your request fails, returns an error along with the appropriate status code.

This page includes details about common error codes and how to resolve them.

HTTP Codes

200OK – Success.
201Created – Your request successfully led to the creation of a resource.
400Bad Request – Your request is invalid.
401Unauthorized – Your API key is invalid.
404Not Found – The specified resource does not exist.
405Method Not Allowed – You tried to access an API with an invalid method.
429Too Many Requests – Too many requests hit the API server too quickly.
500Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server. Try again later.

Async Text API - POST

429Too Many Requests – Too many requests hit the API too quickly. This API has a limit of a maximum of X number of concurrent jobs per account. If you are looking to scale, and need more concurrent jobs than this limit, contact

Create Trackers

409 - ConflictThe 409 response code specifies that the Tracker with that specific name already exists.Modify the name of the Tracker or Update the name of the existing Tracker with that name to resolve the error.
429 - Too many requestsThe 429 response code specifies that the number of concurrent requests surpassed the limit for the API (which is 1 API call at a time).Ensure that your system doesn’t make concurrent API calls that exceed this maximum limit.
400 - Bad RequestThe 400 response code specifies that the request body or the parameters have incorrect key names or their values have types that are different than the ones expected.Please read the message returned in the response to fix this error.
413 - Request Entity Too LargeThe 413 response code specifies that the size of the request body exceeds that of the maximum limit the API supports (which is 1MB).Please ensure that the size of the request body is under this limit to resolve this error.
500 - Internal Server ErrorThe 500 response code specifies that the server failed to handle the request.Please reach out to if it persists after multiple attempts.
502 - Bad GatewayThe 502 response code specifies that the server failed to acknowledge the request. This may happen due to multiple reasons.Contact if it persists after multiple attempts.
504 - Gateway TimeoutThe 504 response code specifies that the server failed to respond within the timeout duration.Contact if it persists after multiple attempts.

Get Tracker

404 - Not FoundThe 404 response code specifies that the Tracker with that specific trackerId does not exist.Check the trackerId and ensure that it is valid and exists.