15 July 2024

  • New Features:

  • Custom Criteria for Call Score:

    • Ability to create custom assessment criteria tailored to specific business goals such as empathy, technical clarity, and objection handling.
  • Scorecard for Call Score:

  • Streaming API support for Call Score:

    • No post-call processing of conversations needed
    • Simple actions to auto trigger Call Score processing after the streaming session has ended
      To learn more, refer here.
  • Webhook for Call Score:

    • Applicable for Async API and Streaming API
    • Pushes notifications of status changes on user-specified URL
      To learn more, refer here.

27 March 2024

  • Nebula Chat Model Playground

    • Explore the Nebula Chat model with our new playground at https://nebula.symbl.ai/playground. Get started quickly with the sample prompts or create your own. The playground offers a no-code environment to try Nebula and iteratively fine-tune prompts for your use cases.
    • Nebula is currently in private beta. Sign in or sign up on Symbl.ai platform to request access.
    • To learn more, visit our docs.
  • Billing Page Improvements

    • Invoice Management: Users can now view a comprehensive 10 billing cycle history of the invoices, amounts, and payment statuses, all from the billing page.
    • Asynchronous Payment for Unpaid Invoices: Added a "Make Payment" button for unpaid invoices, streamlining the payment process and ensuring uninterrupted service.
    • Buffer Period: Introduced a buffer period of 2 weeks post-payment failure, allowing users additional time to rectify payment issues without service disruption.

13 Feb 2024

  • Subscribe API Enhancements

    • A new event subscription_started is added to subscribe API when a subscription to a real-time conversation or stream is successfully initiated. The subscription_started event returns a conversation ID. Developers do not have to map the connection ID and conversation ID with this new event. For more information, see the Subscription Started Response Object docs

05 Feb 2024

  • Go-SDK release

    • The Symbl.ai Go SDK provides a convenient method to connect Symbl.ai conversation intelligence from applications written in Go. A prescribed or opinionated set of interfaces, classes, and functions help you quickly bootstrap to using the Symbl.ai platform.
    • With Symbl.ai Go SDK, you can connect with our Streaming API (WebSocket enabled), Async API, Management APIs, and generate transcripts, conversation intelligence such as trackers, topics, action-items, entities, etc., and applied AI intelligence such as call scores and insights UI. For more information, see the Go SDK docs

19 January 2024

  • Redaction for All Conversation APIs release

    • The Redaction feature for all Conversation APIs, enhancing privacy and security in our services. This feature allows users to automatically redact sensitive information from conversation insights such as formatted transcripts, summaries, trackers, bookmarks, and more. Users can apply redaction on-demand with the redact=true parameter in API requests or set it as a default in their user settings, ensuring a flexible and secure conversational experience. For more information, see the Apply redaction to conversation APIs.

30 August 2023

  • Nebula Embedding API release

    • The Embedding API uses the Nebula embedding model to create vector embeddings from conversations or text data. Nebula's embedding model is optimized for calculating vector representations of conversation text (transcripts, emails, chats, etc.) while supporting the non-conversation text (documents, articles, etc.). For more information, see the Embedding API overview.

16 August 2023

  • Nebula performance improvements

    • The overall performance of Nebula has increased by +9% (R2), which improves its capability to generate more cohesive and insightful responses.
    • Nebula can now process up to 8K tokens allowing it to process longer conversations.

20 July 2023

  • Nebula Playground release

    • Test the Nebula large language model without writing any code using built-in or custom transcripts and prompts.

19 July 2023

  • Call Score release

  • The Call Score API enables you to assess conversation quality and participant performance at scale. It provides a numerical score for each conversation, making it easier for business leaders to identify and compare relevant conversations.
  • Insights UI release

  • The Insights UI is a pre-built user interface that enables users to present conversation insights in an easy-to-read and scannable format. Insights UI is designed to display summarized information and insights derived from conversations, such as sales calls or general calls.

14 July 2023

  • Nebula LLM release

  • Nebula is a large language model (LLM) built by Symbl.ai. It is trained to perform various generative tasks on human conversations. You can interact with Nebula using the Model Playground or the Model API. The Playground allows you to test the model with various conversations and tasks without writing code. The Model API enables you to interact with the model programmatically.