A scorecard in the Call Score API is a combination of various criteria, both custom and managed, to create a comprehensive assessment framework. This flexibility allows you to tailor evaluations to your specific needs aligned with your business objectives.

Key Components

  • Name: Provide a clear, descriptive name for each scorecard to identify its purpose.
  • Criteria IDs: Include unique identifiers for each criterion to ensure the correct criteria are applied during evaluations.
  • Tags (Optional): Use tags to categorize and manage scorecards efficiently.


  • Comprehensive Evaluations: By combining various criteria, scorecards provide a detailed and thorough assessment.
  • Flexibility: Tailor scorecards to meet specific business needs and update them as priorities change.
  • Efficiency: Organized scorecards allow for quick retrieval and application in evaluations.

Building a Scorecard

To build a scorecard, you can use both managed and custom criteria. Here’s how:

  1. Select Managed Criteria: Identify the managed criteria relevant to your evaluation needs. Symbl.ai provides default IDs for the managed criteria, so that you can use these IDs to add to scorecards and generate call scores. Here is the mapping between the criteria name and criteria id.

    Criteria NameCriteria ID
    Communication and EngagementSymbl.Communication_And_Engagement
    Question HandlingSymbl.Question_Handling
    Forward MotionSymbl.Forward_Motion
    Sales ProcessSymbl.Sales_Process
  2. Create Custom Criteria: Define custom criteria tailored to your specific business goals. To learn more about custom criteria, refer here

Using a Scorecard with Async API

Once your scorecard is built, you can use the Async API to score calls. Here’s how:

  • Process a conversation: Process a conversation via Async API.
  • Add Scorecard: Specify the scorecard ID to be used for the evaluation.
  • Receive Results: The Call Score API processes the call data and returns scores based on the selected scorecard.

Example Scorecard

  "id": "99374937492929",  
  "name": "Sales Call Evaluation",  
  "criteriaList": ["3249992749298474", "09237428893747382",    "Symbl.Sales_Process"],  
  "tags": ["Sales", "Performance Review"]  

Here is a sample Async Text API request:

POST /v1/process/text  
    "name": "Postman Default Meeting (Demo)",  
    "features": {  
        "featureList": [  
        "callScore": {  
            "scorecardId": "5463513598865445"  
    "conversationType": "sales",  
    "metadata": {  
        "salesStage": "qualification",  
        "prospectName": "Audio File LLC"  
    "messages": [  
            "payload": {  
                "content": "So that was great to just kind of went through and be prepared for what you were looking for."  
            "from": {  
                "userId": "john.doe@agent.com",  
                "name": "Agent John"  

Here is a sample API request to receive call score results:

GET /v1/conversations/{conversationId}/callscore

Note: The criteria added to the scorecard help to systematically assess various aspects of the conversation, ensuring a comprehensive evaluation. If you do not pass in any scorecardId in the callScore object, a default scoring framework will be applied based on the type of conversation and the associated managed criteria.

Following is the default scoring framework based on the conversationType, salesStage and managed criteria Ids:

Conversation TypeSales StageDefault Scoring Criteria ID
Discovery, Demo, Negotiation, and GeneralSymbl.Communication_And_Engagement

To get started with scorecard, refer the following links: