Real-Time Assist API

Real Time Assist (RTA) is a generative-AI powered product to provide instant, context-sensitive support and guidance to agents during live interactions such as customer service and sales calls. RTA offers a comprehensive solution that streams real-time conversations to, enabling the configuration of real-time assistants for tasks like objection handling, compliance, and script adherence. Additionally, RTA allows you to integrate business-specific context, ensuring that the assistance provided is both contextually relevant and accurate according to your business requirements.

Key Benefits

  • End-to-End Solution: RTA offers a complete package for setting up real-time assistance, including the ability to stream live conversations, configure various types of assistance, and integrate your own business context—all within a single product.
  • Highly Customizable: RTA provides extensive customization options, allowing users to configure the type of assistance they need, the specific context they want to integrate, and the details within each assistant, such as which objections to detect in the objection-handling assistant.
  • Faster time to value: By using RTA, users eliminate the need to piece together multiple systems such as setting up a streaming connection, interaction with LLM, setting-up triggers, leading to quicker realization of value and faster time to market.

Use Cases

  • Battlecards: Provides accurate and up to date product and technical details for sales and customer service agents to effectively handle customer objections and questions in real time.
  • Call Navigation Assistance: Prompts agents to cover important topics from the agenda, keeping them on track and helping them manage time effectively on complex calls.
  • Compliance Monitoring: Ensures that agents adhere to legal and regulatory requirements by prompting them to include necessary disclosures during conversations.
  • Positive Communication Culture: Promotes polite and inclusive communication by providing real-time feedback on tone and empathy ensuring a positive interaction with customers.

Key Features

Real-Time Assist API is designed to elevate your sales and customer service teams by providing real-time, actionable insights that enhance every conversation. Let’s take a closer look at the key features that make this possible:

  • Objection Handling
    Handling objections is a critical skill in sales, and our Real-Time Assist API ensures that your team is never caught off guard. When a customer raises an objection—whether it’s about pricing, product fit, or competition—the API instantly provides the rep with based on your objections playbook. By surfacing relevant data, case studies, and value propositions in real-time, the API helps your team navigate objections smoothly, keeping the conversation on track and increasing the chances of closing the deal.
  • Script Adherence
    Consistency and structure are essential for both sales and customer service teams. The Real-Time Assist API ensures that sales reps and customer service agents adhere to the approved script throughout the conversation. If the rep or the agent veers off course or misses a critical talking point, the API gently nudges them back, ensuring that all key information—such as product benefits, qualifying questions, or legal disclosures—are conveyed. This feature not only helps reps and agents stay on message but also ensures that every customer receives the same high-quality experience.
  • Compliance Alerts
    In industries where regulatory requirements are strict, staying compliant during conversations is non-negotiable. Our API continuously monitors the conversation and prompts the speakers to deliver necessary disclosures or compliance statements at the right moment, for example: a customer service agent may have to say that the call will be recorded for quality assurance. By providing real-time reminders, the API helps your team navigate complex regulatory landscapes with confidence, ensuring that no compliance-related detail is overlooked.
  • Questions and Answers (Q&A)
    During a live conversation, customers often ask detailed or technical questions that require immediate, accurate answers. Our API steps in to assist, providing sales reps with real-time answers drawn from your company’s knowledge base. Whether the customer needs information on product specs, pricing, or integration capabilities, the API delivers the correct response right when it’s needed, allowing your team to maintain the flow of the conversation without delays.
  • Communication Style Analysis
    Effective communication goes beyond just delivering information—it’s about how that information is conveyed. Our API analyzes the sales rep’s communication style in real-time, offering insights into tone, speed, and empathy. If the rep is speaking too fast, interrupting, or taking on a negative tone, the API provides gentle prompts to adjust their approach. This feature ensures that every interaction is not only professional but also positive and engaging, improving customer satisfaction and overall outcomes.

Note: In this first version, Real-Time Assist only supports objection detection. All other features will be launched in the following launches.

To get started with objection detection using Real-Time Assist API, refer here.