Create Custom Criteria

Create Custom Criteria

This guide describes how to use the Create Criteria Management API.

The criteria describes the scoring framework for the conversation. The criteria takes input as an array of questions along with their priorities.


Before using this API, you must generate your authentication token (AUTH_TOKEN) as described in Authenticate.

Use cases

  • Develop a tailored scoring framework for specific business needs.
  • Introduce new evaluation metrics for emerging performance areas and specialized training programs.
  • Create criteria to focus on newly identified key performance indicators (KPIs).
  • Establish evaluation criteria for a new product or service.

Request Parameters

NameYesThe name of the criteria being created. It should be clear and specific to the trait being evaluated.
ChecklistYesAn array of questions or statements that define the specific aspects of the criteria. Each item in the checklist helps in the detailed assessment of the criteria.
QuestionYesThe individual question or statement within the checklist that is used to evaluate a particular aspect of the conversation.
PriorityYesThe importance level of the criteria or individual questions within the checklist. This helps in weighting the criteria appropriately in the overall scoring.
DescriptionOptionalAn optional detailed explanation of the criteria, providing additional context or guidelines for its evaluation.
TagOptionalAn optional label or tag for the criteria, useful for categorization, filtering, or organizing criteria for easier management.

Create Criteria

The API request to create a criteria:


 "name": "Custom criteria name ",
 "tags": ["tag-1", "tag-2", "tag-3"],
 "description": "Describe the criteria here",
 "checklist": [
"question": "Was the technical issue clearly identified and resolved?", 
"priority": "high" 
"question": "Did the representative confirm customer understanding?", 
"priority": "medium" 
"question": "Was the representative patient and understanding?",
"priority": "low" 

Sample Response


 "type": "custom",
 "name": "Custom Criteria Name",
 "tags": ["tag-1", "tag-2", "tag-3"],
 "description": "Describe the criteria here",
 "id": "4782752799653888",
 "checklist": [
		"question": "Was the technical issue clearly identified and resolved?", 
		"priority": "high" 
		"question": "Did the representative confirm customer understanding?", 
		"priority": "medium" 
		"question": "Was the representative patient and understanding?",
		"priority": "low" 