Async API - Audio

The Python SDK allow you to asynchronously send audio conversation data and generate the following:

  • Speech-to-Text (messages)
  • Action Items
  • Questions
  • Topics
  • Follow-ups
  • Members (a list of participants in a conversation).

You can also utilize the parameters function to send additional parameters supported in the Async Audio API- for file and url upload.

Sample Code

import symbl
conversation_object = symbl.Audio.process_file(file_path=r'c:/Users/john/Downloads/business_meeting.mp3')

# You can use the same code to generate other insights such as:
# print(conversation_object.get_follow_ups())
# print(conversation_object.get_action_items())
# print(conversation_object.get_questions())
# print(conversation_object.get_members())


Always prefix "r" before the file location in the code if you are using Windows system. Example: file_path=r'c:/Users/john/Downloads/business_meeting.mp3

Appending Audio API

To append an audio conversation to an already processed audio file, use the .append function as shown below:

conversation_object = symbl.Audio.append_file(file_path=r'c:/Users/john/Downloads/business_meeting.mp3', conversation_id='5973791156994048')

A complete sample code for the append function is given below:

import symbl

conversation_object = symbl.Audio.append_file(file_path=r'c:/Users/john/Downloads/business_meeting.mp3', conversation_id='5973791156994048')

# You can use the same code to generate other insights such as:
# print(conversation_object.get_follow_ups())
# print(conversation_object.get_action_items())
# print(conversation_object.get_questions())
# print(conversation_object.get_members())

Using Parameters

In the sample below, the optional parameters such as name, detectPhrases, etc. have been used. The query parameters for Async Audio File API can be sent using parameters variable as shown below.

You can use these parameters in the .append functionality as well.

For the complete list of supported parameters, see Process Audio.

import symbl

conversation_object = symbl.Audio.process_file(file_path='/users/jon/Downloads/Welcome.mp3', 
    'name':'new meeting', 
    'detectPhrases': True, 
    'enableSpeakerDiarization': True, 
    'diarizationSpeakerCount': 3, 
    'channelMetadata': [
      {"channel": 1,"speaker": {"name": "Jon Snow","email": ""}}

# You can use the same code to generate other insights such as:
# print(conversation_object.get_follow_ups())
# print(conversation_object.get_action_items())
# print(conversation_object.get_questions())
# print(conversation_object.get_members())

Async Audio URL API

Use the code given below to process audio (sent via URL) conversations with the Python SDK and generate conversation insights such as speech-to-text, topics, follow-ups, action items, questions. It can be utilized for any use case where you have access to recorded audio stored publicly as a URL and want to extract insights and other conversational attributes supported by Symbl.


The URL provided must be a publicly available URL. Currently we do not support any redirected links, shortened links (e.g., YouTube, Vimeo, or links from any audio/video platforms.

import symbl

request_body = {
   'url': ‘’,
   'name': 'Python SDK Test Meeting',

conversation_object = symbl.Audio.process_url(payload = request_body)
# conversation = symbl.Audio.append_url(payload=request_body, conversation_id='4639962491256832')

# You can use the same code to generate other insights such as:
# print(conversation_object.get_follow_ups())
# print(conversation_object.get_action_items())
# print(conversation_object.get_questions())
# print(conversation_object.get_members())

Appending Audio URL API

To append an audio conversation to an already processed audio file, use the .append function with the conversation_id as shown below:

conversation_object = symbl.Audio.append_url(payload=request_body, conversation_id='4639962491256832')

A complete sample of the .append function is given below:

import symbl

request_body = {
   'url': ‘’,
   'name': 'Business Meeting',

conversation_object = symbl.Audio.append_url(payload=request_body, conversation_id='4639962491256832')

# You can use the same code to generate other insights such as:
# print(conversation_object.get_follow_ups())
# print(conversation_object.get_action_items())
# print(conversation_object.get_questions())
# print(conversation_object.get_members())

Utilizing the wait Parameter

Use the wait parameter (by default set to True) while making concurrent API calls. Setting the value wait=False will execute an existing function on a separate thread making it a non-blocking API call. It also has the callback support.


conversation_object = symbl.Audio.process_url(url='', wait=False)

Using Parameters

In the sample below, the optional parameters such as name, detectPhrases, etc. have been used. In the REST APIs, these parameters are sent as a part of the request body, here, these parameters must be sent as a part of the request_body function.

You can also use parameters while using the .append functionality.

See the complete list of supported parameters here.

request_body = {
     'detectPhrases': True, 
     'channelMetadata': [{"channel": 1,"speaker": {"name": "Jon Snow","email": ""}}]
 conversation_object = symbl.Audio.process_url(payload=request_body)

# You can use the same code to generate other insights such as:
# print(conversation_object.get_follow_ups())
# print(conversation_object.get_action_items())
# print(conversation_object.get_questions())
# print(conversation_object.get_members())

Python SDK Reference

For a complete list of supported classes and objects in the Python SDK, see the Python SDK Reference page.

You can view more capabilities added to Async API in the following sections: