Create Scorecard

This guide describes how to use the Create Scorecard Management API.

The scorecard describes the scoring criteria for the conversation. The scorecard takes input as an array of criteriaIds. To learn more about scorecard, refer here.


Before using this API, you must generate your authentication token (AUTH_TOKEN) as described in Authenticate.

Use cases

  • Establish a comprehensive evaluation framework for new call centers.
  • Create a scorecard to assess the performance of newly hired agents.
  • Develop a scorecard tailored to evaluate specific campaigns or promotions.
  • Design a scorecard to focus on a new set of customer service standards.
  • Implement a scorecard to measure performance during peak seasons.
  • Create a scorecard to support the rollout of a new product or service.
  • Establish a scorecard for a pilot program to test new evaluation criteria.

Request parameters

NameYesThe name of the scorecard being created. It should be descriptive and easily identifiable.
CriteriaListYesThe unique identifier(s) of the criteria that the scorecard will use for evaluating conversations. This ensures that the correct criteria are applied.
TagsOptionalTags can be used to categorize or organize the scorecard for easier.

Create Scorecard
The API request to create a scorecard:


 "name": "Scorecard Name",
 "tags": ["tag-1", "tag-2", "tag-3"],
 "criteriaList": ["684654556453497", "5476135688435435", "675462462156455"]

Sample Response

 "name": "Scorecard Name",
 "tags": ["tag-1", "tag-2", "tag-3"]
 "id": "4782752799653888",
 "criteriaList": ["684654556453497", "5476135688435435", "675462462156455"]