Handling device change

Web SDK update an audio source during a live stream.

You can update an audio source during a live stream by using the updateAudioDevice method. This method allows you to change devices mid-stream, such as changing laptop microphone to the headset microphone, without stopping or closing the connection. Under normal circumstances, this would access the audioStream object from your StreamingAPIConnection instance.


Check out the SDK Reference for more information about updateAudioDevice

Disable device change handling

You can disable device change handling for the Symbl class. If you set the symblConfig flag disableOnDeviceChange=true , any device change handling is disabled.

For example:

const symbl = new Symbl({
  disableOnDeviceChange: true

For source code, see Release Web SDK v1.0.7 | github.com.

Override default device change method.

You can override the default device change method to accept a function as a parameter. Use the audioStream.setOnDeviceChange method, and specify a function as a parameter. This overrides our default ondevicechange logic.

For source code, see Release Web SDK v1.0.6 | github.com.