Summarize bookmarks

This page describes how to get a summary of one bookmark or summaries of multiple bookmarks from a conversation.

For more information about the Summary feature, see Summary.

For more information about the Bookmarks feature, see Bookmarks.

Bookmarks - Async API

This section describes how to get a summary of one bookmark or summaries of multiple bookmarks at one time using the Async API. This request requires a conversation ID. You receive a conversation ID when you process a conversation with the APIs.


These requests require an access token, as described in Authenticate.

Get a bookmark summary

To get a summary of a single bookmark in a conversation, use the following operation:


To make this request from the API reference, see Get bookmark summary.

Get summaries of multiple bookmarks

You can get a summary of all bookmarks in a conversation, which is the default. You can also filter the bookmarks as described in Get summaries of bookmarks.

To get summaries of multiple bookmarks in a conversation, use the following operation:


To make this request from the API reference, see Get summaries of bookmarks.