Get Criteria

This guide describes how to use the Management API Get Criteria by ID and Get Criteria operations.


Before using this API, you must generate your authentication token (AUTH_TOKEN) as described in Authenticate.

Use cases

  • Get criteria by ID: Get a single criteria by entering the ID.
  • Get all criteria associated to your account.

Get criteria by ID

Here is the request to get a single criteria by sending the criteriaId:


Sample Response

 "name": "Custom Criteria Name",
 "tags": ["tag-1", "tag-2", "tag-3"]
 "id": "4782752799653888",
 "checklist": [
     "question": "Was the technical issue clearly identified and resolved?", 
     "priority": "high" 
     "question": "Did the representative confirm customer understanding?", 
     "priority": "medium" 
     "question": "Was the representative patient and understanding?",
     "priority": "low" 

GET all criteria associated to your account

Here is the request to get all criteria associated to your account:


Sample Response

 "name": "Custom Criteria Name 1",
 "tags": ["tag-1", "tag-2", "tag-3"],
 "id": "4782752799653888",
 "checklist": [
    "question": "Was the technical issue clearly identified and resolved?", 
    "priority": "high" 
    "question": "Did the representative confirm customer understanding?", 
    "priority": "medium" 
    "question": "Was the representative patient and understanding?",
    "priority": "low" 
 "name": "Custom Criteria Name 2",
       "tags": ["tag-1", "tag-2", "tag-3"]
 "id": "4782752799653999",
 "checklist": [
    "question": "Was the technical issue clearly identified and resolved?", 
    "priority": "high" 
    "question": "Did the representative confirm customer understanding?", 
    "priority": "medium" 
    "question": "Was the representative patient and understanding?",
    "priority": "low" 