JavaScript SDK

The Programmable JavaScript SDK allows you to add Conversational Intelligence directly into your web applications and meeting platforms. With the JavaScript SDK, you can generate intelligent insights such as action items, topics, and questions. Currently, the Symbl JavaScript SDK only works with the Telephony API and Streaming API.



The earlier package symbl-node is now deprecated and will no longer be maintained by Symbl. Please migrate to the new package @symblai/symbl-js available at


First, start by installing our JavaScript SDK:

$ npm install --save @symblai/symbl-js


The init authenticates you to use the Symbl API using the provided authentication credentials.

You can authenticate either using your API Credentials or your Auth Token.

Authenticate using API Credentials

Use the code given below to authenticate using your Symbl App ID and App Secret.

const  sdk = require('@symblai/symbl-js');
  // APP_ID and APP_SECRET come from the Symbl Platform:
  appId: <<APP_ID>>,
  appSecret: <<APP_SECRET>>,
  basePath: ''
.then(() => console.log('SDK Initialized.'))
.catch(err => console.error('Error in initialization.', err));

Authenticate using Token

Use the code given below to authenticate using the Auth Token.

  accessToken: <<ACCESS_TOKEN>>,
  basePath: ''
.then(() => console.log('SDK Initialized.'))
.catch(err => console.error('Error in initialization.', err));

Import the SDK using the ES5 or ES6 way:

var sdk = require('@symblai/symbl-js').sdk;
import { sdk } from '@symblai/symbl-js';


We have prepared a list of tutorials to help you understand how to use Symbl's JavaScript SDK.

Telephony API Tutorials

Streaming API Tutorials

Code Snippets

Telephony API Code Snippets

Streaming API Code Snippets

JavaScript SDK Reference

Supported methods and events for the Symbl JavaScript SDK are listed below:
Reference - JS SDK