Receive trackers in Spanish


Supported Languages

Currently, we only support the English and Spanish language in Trackers for Streaming & Async API. Please feel free to reach out to us at [email protected] for any queries.


Before continuing, you must generate an authentication token (AUTH_TOKEN) as described in Authentication.

Step 1: Define Spanish language in the Start Request Config

When you're connecting to the WebSocket with Streaming API, you can define which language you wish to use in the start_request configuration.

For the Spanish language, we will set the languageCode key to Spanish (es-ES) in the config object as shown below:


config: {
        meetingTitle: "Spanish Trackers",
        confidenceThreshold: 0.8,
        timezoneOffset: 480,                        // Offset in minutes from UTC
        languageCode: "es-ES",                      //Spanish language code
        trackers: {
            interimResults: true

You can view the complete list of all the supported parameters passed in the configuration object here.

Step 2: Pass Tracker object in Spanish

Now, define the keywords and phrases you wish to track in the trackers object as shown in the code snippet below.

You must then pass these Spanish Trackers in the Streaming API request to receive tracked messages in Spanish.

// Spanish Trackers
   trackers: [
           name: 'deseos',
           vocabulary: [
               "Hasta luego",
               "Muchas gracias y que eres increíble",
               "Realmente lindo",
               "Ese fue uno de los más",
               "De acuerdo, gracias",
               "Así que, a la inversa, gracias por estar presente",
       }, {
           name: 'dificil',
           vocabulary: [
               'Sí, no me amo por completo en este momento y creo que hay mucho trabajo por hacer y estoy luchando',
               'Sé que estás pasando por tu propia pequeña lucha',
               'He tenido otras luchas más grandes en la vida porque el módulo de ahí arriba, mantén la vida en la parte inferior del cuerpo',
               'Los problemas son luchas internas',
       }, {
           name: 'dinero',
           vocabulary: [
               "Si alguien te quita todo lo que quieres hoy, todo tu dinero, tu casa, y te pone en camino",
               "Ahora, sea lo que sea, poseo más de la mitad del dinero",
               "Tengo dinero",

Full Code Snippet

View the full-code snippet for getting Trackers in Spanish with Streaming API below:


In the sample below, we have generated the Spanish Trackers using our JavaScript SDK.

const { sdk } = require('@symblai/symbl-js')
const uuid = require('uuid').v4
// In this example, we are using mic to get audio from the microphone and passing it on to the WebSocket connection.
const mic = require('mic')
const sampleRateHertz = 16000
const micInstance = mic({
   rate: sampleRateHertz,
   channels: '1',
   debug: false,
   exitOnSilence: 6,
(async () => {
   try {
       // Initialize the SDK
       await sdk.init({
           appId: appId,
           appSecret: appSecret,
           basePath: '',
       // Add your unique ID here
       const id = uuid()
       const connection = await sdk.startRealtimeRequest({
           insightTypes: ['action_item', 'question'],
           customVocabulary: ['John', 'Symbl'],            // Custom Vocabulary
           noConnectionTimeout: 100,                       //No Connection Timeout
           // This shows the Spanish Trackers
           trackers: [
                   name: 'deseos',
                   vocabulary: [
                       "Hasta luego",
                       "Muchas gracias y que eres increíble",
                       "Realmente lindo",
                       "Ese fue uno de los más",
                       "De acuerdo, gracias",
                       "Así que, a la inversa, gracias por estar presente",
               }, {
                   name: 'dificil',
                   vocabulary: [
                       'Sí, no me amo por completo en este momento y creo que hay mucho trabajo por hacer y estoy luchando',
                       'Sé que estás pasando por tu propia pequeña lucha',
                       'He tenido otras luchas más grandes en la vida porque el módulo de ahí arriba, mantén la vida en la parte inferior del cuerpo',
                       'Los problemas son luchas internas',
               }, {
                   name: 'dinero',
                   vocabulary: [
                       "Si alguien te quita todo lo que quieres hoy, todo tu dinero, tu casa, y te pone en camino",
                       "Ahora, sea lo que sea, poseo más de la mitad del dinero",
                       "Tengo dinero",
                   name: "covid",
                   vocabulary: [
                       "wear mask",
                       "trouble breathing"
           config: {
               meetingTitle: "Spanish Trackers",
               confidenceThreshold: 0.8,
               timezoneOffset: 480,                        // Offset in minutes from UTC
               languageCode: "es-ES",                      //Spanish language code
               trackers: {
                   interimResults: true
           speaker: {
               // Optional, if not specified, will simply not send an email in the end.
               userId: "[email protected]", // Update with valid email
               name: "John",
           handlers: {
               onSpeechDetected: (data) => {
                   if (data) {
                       const { punctuated } = data
                       console.log('Live: ', punctuated && punctuated.transcript)
                   console.log('onSpeechDetected ', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
               onMessageResponse: (data) => {
                   console.log('onMessageResponse', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))
               onInsightResponse: (data) => {
                   console.log('onInsightResponse', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))
               onTopicResponse: (data) => {
                   console.log('onTopicResponse', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))
               onTrackerResponse: (data) => {
                   console.log('onTrackerResponse', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2))
               onTrackerResponse: (data) => {
                   // When a tracker is detected in real-time
                   console.log('onTrackerResponse', JSON.stringify(data, null, 2));
                   if (!!data) {
                       data.forEach((tracker) => {
                           console.log(`Detected Tracker Name: ${}`);
                           console.log(`Detected Matches`);
                           tracker.matches.forEach((match) => {
                               console.log(`Tracker Value: ${match.value}`);
                               console.log(`Messages detected against this Tracker`);
                               match.messageRefs.forEach((messageRef) => {
                                   console.log(`Message ID: ${}`);
                                   console.log(`Message text for which the match was detected: ${messageRef.text}`);
                               console.log(`Insights detected against this Tracker`);
                               match.messageRefs.forEach((insightRef) => {
                                   console.log(`Insight ID: ${}`);
                                   console.log(`Insight text for which the match was detected: ${insightRef.text}`);
                                   console.log(`Insight Type: ${insightRef.type}`);
       console.log('Successfully connected. Conversation ID: ', connection.conversationId);
       const micInputStream = micInstance.getAudioStream()
       /** Raw audio stream */
       micInputStream.on('data', (data) => {
           // Push audio from Microphone to websocket connection
       micInputStream.on('error', function (err) {
           console.log('Error in Input Stream: ' + err)
       micInputStream.on('startComplete', function () {
           console.log('Started listening to Microphone.')
       micInputStream.on('silence', function () {
           console.log('Got SIGNAL silence')
       setTimeout(async () => {
           // Stop listening to microphone
           console.log('Stopped listening to Microphone.')
           try {
               // Stop connection
               await connection.stop()
               console.log('Connection Stopped.')
           } catch (e) {
               console.error('Error while stopping the connection.', e)
       }, 60 * 1000) // Stop connection after 1 minute i.e. 60 secs
   } catch (e) {
       console.error('Error: ', e)

Connect Mic

After you connect, you want to connect to your device's microphone. This code is inserted after the connection and before the closing of the try...catch

const micInputStream = micInstance.getAudioStream()
/** Raw audio stream */
micInputStream.on('data', (data) => {
  // Push audio from Microphone to websocket connection

micInputStream.on('error', function (err) {
  console.log('Error in Input Stream: ' + err)

micInputStream.on('startComplete', function () {
  console.log('Started listening to Microphone.')

micInputStream.on('silence', function () {
  console.log('Got SIGNAL silence')


setTimeout(async () => {
  // Stop listening to microphone
  console.log('Stopped listening to Microphone.')
  try {
    // Stop connection
    await connection.stop()
    console.log('Connection Stopped.')
  } catch (e) {
    console.error('Error while stopping the connection.', e)
}, 60 * 1000) // Stop connection after 1 minute i.e. 60 secs


If you want to know that you have connected the mic, run the following commands:

  1. Create a JavaScript file named app.js
  2. Copy the above code into the file.
  3. Replace the placeholder values with the values that you must use.
  4. Use npm to install the required libraries
$ npm install symbl-node uuid
  1. Now in the terminal run
$ node app.js

If successful you should receive a response in the console.

Handlers Reference (Symbl SDK)

Read more about the supported Event Handlers in the following sections:

👉 onSpeechDetected

👉 onMessageResponse

👉 onInsightResponse

👉 onTopicResponse