Management API
The Management API enables you to access and manage a number of resources in your account. The resources created and managed by this API are maintained at the account level.
While the Conversations API handles data associated with conversations, generated via the Streaming API or Async API, the Management API handles data you use to manage APIs.
Supported features
The Management API supports the following Conversation Intelligence features:
Custom Entities: Use custom entities to find exact matches of vocabulary that you provide. When a conversation is processed using the Async API or Streaming API, your custom entities will be identified if matches are found in the conversation. The Management API is used to create, get, update, and delete custom entities. For more information, see Entity Detection.
Trackers: When you process a conversation, Trackers are enabled by default. All Trackers in Your Trackers are detected. The Trackers algorithm finds exact matches and phrases with similar meaning. For more information, see Trackers.
Conversation Groups: You can create and manage conversations by logically grouping them according to criteria that suit your business needs. Examples include grouping based on speaker agent, company name, labels such as internal, external, sales, and so on. For more information, see Conversation groups.
User Settings: Enable you to specify default values that can be used for the parameters of Bookmarks and Redaction features. For more information, see User settings. To manage bookmarks settings, see Settings for bookmarks. For details about redaction user settings, see Settings for redaction.
Custom entities
The following operations are supported for managing custom entities:
Operation | Endpoint |
Create custom entity | POST v1/manage/entity/{entityId} |
Create custom entities | POST /v1/manage/entities |
Get custom entity | GET /v1/manage/entity/{entityId} |
Get custom entities | GET /v1/manage/entities |
Update custom entity | PUT /v1/manage/entity/{entityId} |
Delete custom entity | DELETE /v1/manage/entity/{entityId} |
Delete custom entity by subtype | DELETE /v1/manage/entity?subType={subType} |
You can quickly get started with Trackers on the Platform. Add and edit Managed Trackers using Trackers Management > Managed API Library. View and edit Trackers at Trackers Management > Your Trackers.
Trackers are detected by default when you process a conversation using the Async API or Streaming API. Then you can use the Conversations API to Detect trackers.
You can also use API operations to work directly with Trackers:
Conversation groups
The following operations are supported for managing Conversation Groups:
Operation | Endpoint |
Create conversation group | POST /v1/manage/group |
Create multiple conversation groups | POST /v1/manage/groups |
Get conversation group with ID | GET /v1/manage/group/{groupId} |
Get all conversation groups | GET /v1/manage/groups |
Update conversation group | PUT /v1/manage/group/{groupId} |
Delete group | DELETE /v1/manage/group/{groupId} |
User settings
The following operations are supported for managing user settings:
Operation | |
Get user settings | GET v1/manage/settings |
Update user settings | PATCH v1/manage/settings |
Updated almost 2 years ago