Receive speech-to-text and AI insights
Process video file
Before generating speech-to-text and AI insights, you need to process your conversation. The code in this example is from the Process video page. If you want to use an audio or text file, you can use the code from Process audio or Process text.
You can use the default video file, or you can replace it with any other publicly available video URL.
Note that you must wait for the job to finish processing before generating Conversation Intelligence. If you make a request from the Conversations API while the job is processing, you might receive incomplete insights. You can find out if a job is still processing by passing the jobId
in the Get job status request.
Before using this API, you must generate your authentication token (AUTH_TOKEN
) as described in Authentication.
Request Example
curl --location --request POST "" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN" \
--data-raw '{
"url": "",
"name": "BusinessMeeting"
const authToken = AUTH_TOKEN;
const payload = {
'url': "",
// A valid url string. The URL must be a publicly accessible url.
'name': "BusinessMeeting",
// <Optional, string| your_conversation_name | Your meeting name. Default name set to conversationId.>
// 'webhookUrl': "",
// <Optional, string| your_webhook_url| Webhook url on which job updates to be sent. (This should be post API)>
// 'customVocabulary': ['Platform', 'Discussion', 'Targets'],
// <Optional, list| custom_vocabulary_list> |Contains a list of words and phrases that provide hints to the speech recognition task.
// 'confidenceThreshold': 0.6,
// <Optional, double| confidence_threshold | Minimum required confidence for the insight to be recognized.>
// 'detectPhrases': true,
// <Optional, boolean| detect_phrases |Accepted values are true & false. It shows Actionable Phrases in each sentence of conversation. These sentences can be found in the Conversation's Messages API.>
// 'languageCode': "en-US" // <Optional, boolean| language_code> |code of language of recording.>
const responses = {
400: 'Bad Request! Please refer docs for correct input fields.',
401: 'Unauthorized. Please generate a new access token.',
404: 'The conversation and/or it\'s metadata you asked could not be found, please check the input provided',
429: 'Maximum number of concurrent jobs reached. Please wait for some requests to complete.',
500: 'Something went wrong! Please contact'
const fetchData = {
method: "POST",
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${authToken}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
body: JSON.stringify(payload),
fetch("", fetchData).then(response => {
if (response.ok) {
return response.json();
} else {
throw new Error(responses[response.status]);
}).then(response => {
console.log('response', response);
}).catch(error => {
const request = require('request');
const authToken = AUTH_TOKEN;
const webhookUrl = WEBHOOK_URL;
const payload = {
'url': "",
// A valid url string. The URL must be a publicly accessible url.
'name': "BusinessMeeting",
// <Optional, string| your_conversation_name | Your meeting name. Default name set to conversationId.>
// 'webhookUrl': "",
// <Optional, string| your_webhook_url| Webhook url on which job updates to be sent. (This should be post API)>
// 'customVocabulary': ['Platform', 'Discussion', 'Targets'],
// <Optional, list| custom_vocabulary_list> |Contains a list of words and phrases that provide hints to the speech recognition task.
// 'confidenceThreshold': 0.6,
// <Optional, double| confidence_threshold | Minimum required confidence for the insight to be recognized.>
// 'detectPhrases': true,
// <Optional, boolean| detect_phrases |Accepted values are true & false. It shows Actionable Phrases in each sentence of conversation. These sentences can be found in the Conversation's Messages API.>
// 'languageCode': "en-US" // <Optional, boolean| language_code> |code of language of recording.>
const videoOption = {
url: '',
headers: {
'Authorization': `Bearer ${authToken}`,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
// qs: {
// webhookUrl: webhookUrl,
// entities: [{
// "customType": "Custom_Entity_Type",
// "text": "Custom Entity to be searched in transcript"
// }]
// },
body: JSON.stringify(payload)
const responses = {
400: 'Bad Request! Please refer docs for correct input fields.',
401: 'Unauthorized. Please generate a new access token.',
404: 'The conversation and/or it\'s metadata you asked could not be found, please check the input provided',
429: 'Maximum number of concurrent jobs reached. Please wait for some requests to complete.',
500: 'Something went wrong! Please contact'
}, (err, response, body) => {
const statusCode = response.statusCode;
if (err || Object.keys(responses).indexOf(statusCode.toString()) !== -1) {
throw new Error(responses[statusCode]);
console.log('Status code: ', statusCode);
console.log('Body', response.body);
import json
import requests
url = ""
# set your access token here. See
access_token = 'your_access_token'
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
payload = {
'url': "",
# A valid url string. The URL must be a publicly accessible url.
'name': "BusinessMeeting",
# <Optional, string| your_conversation_name | Your meeting name. Default name set to conversationId.>
# 'webhookUrl': "",
# <Optional, string| your_webhook_url| Webhook url on which job updates to be sent. (This should be post API)>
# 'customVocabulary': ['Platform', 'Discussion', 'Targets'],
# <Optional, list| custom_vocabulary_list> |Contains a list of words and phrases that provide hints to the speech recognition task.
# 'confidenceThreshold': 0.6,
# <Optional, double| confidence_threshold | Minimum required confidence for the insight to be recognized.>
# 'detectPhrases': True,
# <Optional, boolean| detect_phrases |Accepted values are true & false. It shows Actionable Phrases in each sentence of conversation. These sentences can be found in the Conversation's Messages API.>
# 'languageCode': "en-US" # <Optional, boolean| language_code> |code of language of recording.>
responses = {
400: 'Bad Request! Please refer docs for correct input fields.',
401: 'Unauthorized. Please generate a new access token.',
404: 'The conversation and/or it\'s metadata you asked could not be found, please check the input provided',
429: 'Maximum number of concurrent jobs reached. Please wait for some requests to complete.',
500: 'Something went wrong! Please contact'
response = requests.request("POST", url, headers=headers, data=json.dumps(payload),params=json.dumps(params)))
if response.status_code == 201:
# Successful API execution
print("conversationId => " + response.json()['conversationId']) # ID to be used with Conversations API.
print("jobId => " + response.json()['jobId']) # ID to be used with Job API.
elif response.status_code in responses.keys():
print(responses[response.status_code]) # Expected error occurred
print("Unexpected error occurred. Please contact" + ", Debug Message => " + str(response.text))
Example response
"conversationId": "5815170693595136",
"jobId": "9b1deb4d-3b7d-4bad-9bdd-2b0d7b3dcb6d"
Receive speech-to-text
In the previous response, notice the conversationId
field. For a detailed speech-to-text transcription of the conversation, include the conversationId
in a request from the Get messages operation of the Conversations API.
Example request
curl "$CONVERSATION_ID/messages" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $AUTH_TOKEN"
const request = require('request');
const authToken = AUTH_TOKEN;
const conversationId = CONVERSATION_ID;
url: `${conversationId}/messages`,
headers: { 'Authorization': `Bearer ${authToken}` },
json: true
}, (err, response, body) => {
import requests
baseUrl = "{conversationId}/messages"
conversationId = 'your_conversation_id' # Generated using Submit text end point
url = baseUrl.format(conversationId=conversationId)
# set your access token here. See
access_token = 'your_access_token'
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + access_token,
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
params = {
'verbose': True, # <Optional, boolean| Gives you word level timestamps of each sentence.>
'sentiment': True # <Optional, boolean| Give you sentiment analysis on each message.>
responses = {
401: 'Unauthorized. Please generate a new access token.',
404: 'The conversation and/or it\'s metadata you asked could not be found, please check the input provided',
500: 'Something went wrong! Please contact'
response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, params=json.dumps(params))
if response.status_code == 200:
# Successful API execution
print("messages => " + str(response.json()['messages'])) # messages is a list of id, text, from, startTime, endTime, conversationId, words, phrases, sentiment
elif response.status_code in responses.keys():
print(responses[response.status_code]) # Expected error occurred
print("Unexpected error occurred. Please contact" + ", Debug Message => " + str(response.text))
Example response
"messages": [{
"id": "6412283618000896",
"text": "Best package for you is $69.99 per month.",
"from": {
"name": "Roger",
"email": ""
"startTime": "2020-07-10T11:16:21.024Z",
"endTime": "2020-07-10T11:16:26.724Z",
"conversationId": "6749556955938816",
"phrases": [{
"type": "action_phrase",
"text": "$69.99 per month"
Generate more insights
In addition to analytics, you can use the Conversations API to:
Get topics
Topics provide a quick overview of the key things that were talked about in the conversation. -
Get action items
An action item is a specific outcome recognized in the conversation that requires one or more people in the conversation to take a specific action, such as set up a meeting, share a file, or complete a task. -
Get follow-ups
This is a category of action items with an associated follow-up request or a task. The follow-up could be sending an email, making a phone call, or setting up a meeting.
Updated over 1 year ago