Symbl.ai Web SDK is a JavaScript library that enables you to add Conversation Intelligence into your JavaScript application directly in the browser.
Symbl.ai Web SDK is a JavaScript library that enables you to add Conversation Intelligence into your JavaScript application directly in the browser. It provides a set of classes you can use to access the Symbl.ai Streaming API and Subscribe API.
Web SDK source code is available at https://github.com/symblai/symbl-web-sdk.
Supported Browsers
Web SDK works with the following web browsers:
Operating System | Chrome | Edge | Firefox | Safari |
macOS | ✅ | - | ✅ | ✅ |
Windows | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | - |
Linux | ✅ | - | ✅ | - |
Before you begin
Before using Web SDK sign up with Symbl.ai to generate your own App ID and App Secret values for authentication.
Install the latest version of npm
package manager (Version 6.0.0 +).
Install or import Web SDK
Install using npm
Install Web SDK using the following npm
npm i @symblai/symbl-web-sdk
Import via CDN
You can also import the file into your HTML application using Symbl.ai's CDN. For production environments, Symbl recommends using the Versioned CDN.
Versioned CDN
<script src="https://sdk.symbl.ai/js/beta/symbl-web-sdk/v1.0.5/symbl.min.js"></script>
Latest CDN
<script src="https://sdk.symbl.ai/js/beta/symbl-web-sdk/latest/symbl.min.js"></script>
Then call the Symbl
class using the window
const Symbl = window.Symbl;
const symbl = new Symbl({
accessToken: "< YOUR ACCESS TOKEN >"
Import via browser
You can import the Web SDK in a browser using ES5, ES6, or Native JavaScript:
import {Symbl} from '@symblai/symbl-web-sdk';
const {Symbl} = require('@symblai/symbl-web-sdk');
const {Symbl} = window;
To initialize your Symbl Web SDK, you can pass in an access token generated using Symbl’s Authentication method.
For testing purposes, you can use your App ID and App Secret from the Symbl Platform. Do not use the App ID and App Secret in production applications.
To initialize the Web SDK in your application, use the following JavaScript snippet:
const symbl = new Symbl({
accessToken: '<your Access Token>'
// appId: '<your App ID>', // Should only be used for development environment
// appSecret: '<your App Secret>', // Should only be used for development environment
// basePath: '<your custom base path>',// optional
// logLevel: 'debug' // Sets which log level you want to view
// reconnectOnError: true // attempt to reconnect to the WebSocket if disconnected by error
Get Started
To get started with the Symbl Web SDK, use this HTML and JavaScript audio processing example.
The following example opens a WebSocket connection with the Symbl Streaming API and starts processing audio data from the default input device (microphone). After 60 seconds this sample code stops audio processing and closes the WebSocket connection.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Symbl Web SDK example</title>
<script src="https://sdk.symbl.ai/js/beta/symbl-web-sdk/latest/symbl.min.js"></script>
const start = async () => {
try {
// Symbl recommends replacing the App ID and App Secret with an Access Token for authentication in production applications.
// For more information about authentication see https://docs.symbl.ai/docs/developer-tools/authentication/.
const symbl = new Symbl({
appId: '<your App ID>',
appSecret: '<your App Secret>',
// accessToken: '<your Access Token>' // for production use
// Open a Streaming API WebSocket Connection and start processing audio from your input device.
const connection = await symbl.createAndStartNewConnection();
// Retrieve real-time transcription from the conversation.
connection.on("speech_recognition", (speechData) => {
const name = speechData.user ? speechData.user.name : "User";
const transcript = speechData.punctuated.transcript;
console.log(`${name}: `, transcript);
document.querySelector("#speechRecognition").innerHTML = `${name}: ${transcript}`;
// This is a helper method for testing purposes.
// It waits 60 seconds before continuing to the next API call.
await Symbl.wait(60000);
// Stops processing audio, but keeps the WebSocket connection open.
await connection.stopProcessing();
// Closes the WebSocket connection.
} catch(e) {
// Handle errors here.
<button onclick="javascript: start()">Start Processing</button>
<p id="speechRecognition">Click <b>Start Processing</b> and begin speaking to see transcription. If prompted, allow access to your microphone. <br> <br> If nothing happens, check your <a href="https://platform.symbl.ai/#/home">Symbl App ID and App Secret</a> in this HTML file on lines 16 and 17 respectively.</p>
The current version of the Web SDK includes a few Known Issues.
Learn how to use Web SDK with the Streaming API in Getting Live Transcripts and Conversation Intelligence.
Code Snippets
Streaming API Code Snippets
Subscribe API Code Snippets
SDK Reference
Supported methods and events for Web SDK:
Updated 10 months ago